RE Revelations live stream Thursday, plus three games to give away
Feb 09, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Now that Resident Evil Revelations is available across the globe, I wholeheartedly recommend picking it up and soaking in the shadowy, oppressive vibe. But what if you can’t pick it up this week? Well, we’ve got an hour-long stream to show off the game, plus three North American copies for those following along at Twitch TV…
For a chance to win one of three copies of Revelations:
Throughout the stream we’ll say three keywords, all of which will be Resident Evil related. Once the stream is completed, post the three keywords in THIS ARTICLE and boom, you’re entered into the contest.
I’ll pick three people at random from the list of those who correctly name all three keywords. The stream kicks off at 3:00pm PST (that’s 6:00pm EST) and ends at 4:00pm PST. You’ll then have until Noon on Friday 2/10 to post a comment right here.
Again, watch the stream on our Twitch TV page, and when it’s over, post a comment below this very sentence for a chance to win. It’s that easy!
(Please note this is an M-Rated game, and we will have to verify your age. Sorry young’uns!)