RE Database kicks off Wesker Week 2013
Jul 08, 2013 // Minish Capcom
It’s that time of year again… where we celebrate our favorite power-hungry, backstabbing, global-saturating supervillain, Albert Wesker! The superfans over at Resident Evil Database are making posts all week long in honor of ol’ Albert, plus have some cool content planned with prominent voice actor D.C. Douglas.
Mon, 08th: “Remember the previous editions” and campaign for #WeskerWeek on TTs.
Tue, 09th: Campaign for #WeskerWeek on TTs plus special quiz (PT-BR only).
Wed, 10th: Live ResidenTV “Special Wesker Week 2013” for the launch of brand-new content.
Thu, 11th: Campaign for #WeskerWeek on TTs plus special quiz (PT-BR only).
Fri, 12th: Campaign for #WeskerWeek on TTs and closure of the special week.
Head on over to REDB for more . And for my WW contribution, I’d like to remind everyone of this hilarious Wesker-meets-Legion video from last year: