Raid Mode rundown – characters and clips
Mar 23, 2015 // Minish Capcom
Now that Revs2 is out and the particular details of the story aren’t quite so secret, we’re ready to wrap up our Raid Mode rundown series with a final look at some unlockable characters and a place to share your Raid Mode clips…
Please note that some of these characters could be considered spoilers, so if you haven’t finished consider clicking away and reading about DMC4 SE :3
Sniper Claire (costume)
Survivor Moira (costume)
Alex Wesker
Once you’re done with the story, it’s time for some Raidin’. Folks all over the world have been recording clips and sharing them via YouTube and this handy Unity thread , so if you have a great run, or an amazing character build, post in the thread and we might feature you in a future Capcom Recap !
And real quick, a shoutout to this great Steam thread that explains a lot of various skills and ways to stack them. Lots to consider!