Raid Mode online issues fixed, extra Present Codes and events incoming
May 31, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Hey everyone. For the past week many owners of Resident Evil Revelations were unable to play online rounds of Raid Mode. Today that issue has been fixed, but because we know how frustrating the downtime was – especially for those who bought on launch day – we’re releasing two rare Present Codes ahead of schedule in the hopes this will make the return to Raid Mode a little more exciting.
Head to residentevil.net (you can log on with your Unity account!) and when you get to your profile page, click “Enter Present Code.” There, enter in:
vester – pictured above, good through June 30. Five slots, Short Range+
radioman – good through June 2. Four slots
…and receive two free, rare Raid Mode weapons! We’ve given out several here on Unity already, and have more coming this summer, but also check the RE Twitter account for add’l codes!
Today also marks the beginning of another online event – Rare Parts Blowout. Keep an eye out for some top notch items from now ’til June 3. Then just a few days later another trio of events begin!