Queen Zenobia winners revealed, monster-free cruise awarded
Mar 14, 2012 // Minish Capcom
In Resident Evil Revelations, the Queen Zenobia is a run-down luxury cruise ship overrun with all sorts of nasty, ooze-dripping baddies. In other words, not a place you’d want to spend precious vacation time (unless you want to be infected with the T-Abyss virus, that is). However, fans of Revelations were able to enter a contest that would put them on a legit, non-lethal cruise, as well as win all kinds of cool prizes.
First off, El Gigante-sized congratulations to Paul Grandquist, who won the “Gamer’s Fantasy Cruise Sweeptakes” and is now the proud recipient of a custom cruise vacation. Paul, if you hear anyone gurgling “mayday, maaaaay…daaaaaay” turn around and get outta there !
Elsie Schatz, Denise Valdez, Ryan Getz, Steven Truong and David Purcell all won a Nintendo 3DS and a signed copy of Resident Evil Revelations.
Susanne Troop, Jessi Mosley, Jared Fredriksen, Dennis Smith, Joy Mellerson, Carolyn Goodell, Jennifer Mangus, David Tetreau, Nick Martin and Felicia Mason are the second prize winners, and each received a signed copy of Resident Evil Revelations.
Congrats! Now practice up your Raid Mode skills and maybe win some nifty Resident Evil goodies right here on Unity!