PSA: Dragon’s Dogma DLC questions answered
May 01, 2013 // GregaMan
Hey there, Dogma players. First off, if you didn’t catch yesterday’s Dogma PSA, please give it a read . If you don’t have that kind of time, the short of it is: Please back up your Dragon’s Dogma/Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen save data to an external storage device or the cloud! We’ve had some claims that a recent title update is corrupting data for certain people, so this is for your own sanity. Meanwhile we’re looking into a solution to the issue.
Now I want to address some questions we’ve been getting about DLC. Dragon’s Dogma had a number of DLC items available on the PSN and XBL stores, and this has evidently generated some confusion with the launch of Dark Arisen. Here are some key points to bear in mind.
-ALL DLC items seen on the PSN and Xbox LIVE stores are for use only with original Dragon’s Dogma, not Dark Arisen. Do NOT purchase these items if you have Dark Arisen. The DLC items from original Dragon’s Dogma are all included in the Dark Arisen package. We will be making some changes as to what content appears on the marketplace going forward to reduce confusion.
-Some users are experiencing an issue wherein previously purchased DLC items are disappearing from their inventory. We are investigating the issue, but please note that any DLC items from Dragon’s Dogma that do disappear from your inventory can be reacquired at the Black Cat in Gran Soren in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. You do not need to purchase the DLC again.
-Some users are also experiencing their character’s non-DLC gear being stripped when they transfer their character to Dark Arisen. We’re looking into this issue as well but at this time our recommendation is again to backup your save game before transferring your data over to Dark Arisen. If you continue to experience issues when loading your save game, try playing in Offline Mode.
-There are a few new DLC items (most notably purchasable Rift Crystals) exclusively for Dark Arisen. You do not need to go to the PSN/Xbox LIVE stores to purchase these items. These items are only available for purchase in-game, by talking to Olra at the entrance to Bitterblack Isle and choosing the “Online Store” option.
In short, if you have Dark Arisen, there is no additional content for you to purchase from the PSN or XBL stores. Anything you see on those stores was for original Dragon’s Dogma and will theoretically be of no use to you.
Apologies again for any confusion. We are continuing to work toward eliminating confusion and improve the user experience as quickly and thoroughly as possible.