PS3, Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken will share DLC
Sep 16, 2011 // Minish Capcom
In an interview with Joystiq, producer Yoshinori Ono said the PS3 and Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken will “share” downloadable content between the two platforms. No details regarding said DLC have been announced, but the fact you probably won’t have to buy it for both pieces of hardware is a cool feature nonetheless. The full quote from Ono-san…
“Yes, they’re different hardware, but they’re part of the same PlayStation family, so to speak, so we’re already talking with Sony about ways to sync things together. As long as you’re using the same PSN account, things you’ve purchased on the Vita version will work on PS3 and vice versa.”
Very cool! The interview goes on to discuss the possibility of a mini arcade stick (or some equivalent) for the Vita, which is a similar thought I had when i nterviewing Ono-san for Street Fighter 3DS. It sounds so silly, but y’know… if there’s a way to make it work, that would make these handheld versions great on-the-go practice rounds for the console editions.
If you’re hankering for even more Ono, GameSpot has a video interview as well.