Poison’s Character Portrait

Oct 11, 2013 // ComboFiend

Since the last blog about Rolento’s portrait went over so well, Ayano-san brings you the steps that went into Poison’s portrait. Keep reading below to see what could’ve been and the steps taken to reach the current character art we have now!

Hello everyone, Tomoaki Ayano here!

We all thought the dog days of summer were over, but Mother Nature had other plans and sent a typhoon Japan’s way, and with it a blast of warm weather. I can’t wait for winter to hit and for things to cool down a bit…

Anyway, here’s the third part of our character portrait series, and today I’d like to show you what we came up with for one of my favorite characters, Poison.

Let’s start with her pose. I asked the designer to come up with three poses, but he must like Poison a lot too because he went above and beyond the call of duty and made four!


Poison is a sexy female character with a refreshing personality, and I think all of these illustrations really get that across—I’d love to see final versions of all them!

We wanted to choose something far removed from the striking pose we used for Poison in Street Fighter X Tekken, so for Ultra SF4 we chose a pose where she’s moving and using her whip. We ended up taking illustrations B and D and combining them to make a new pose.


Aaaaand this was the result!

We took the standing pose from B and made it so you can see Poison’s face a little better, then gave the whip a little bit more oomph to complete the pose. I think the end result turned out well, and it really accentuates Poison’s dangerous curves, if you know what I mean!

Next we started work on the background.

Since she was a former member of the Mad Gear gang, we thought that she should be shown on the mean streets of a city.


So this is what we came up with!

We went for a back alley-esque setting that wouldn’t be out of place in a Final Fight game. If you look closely, you’ll see a wanted poster for Poison and Hugo in the background too.

Next we worked on the coloring.

When you think Poison, you think “pink”! So, apart from the hair, we also used a pink hue for the foreground, which helps to further emphasize Poison’s sexiness.

We finished the design by doing some touch ups on the face and the overall color palette. Can you spot the difference between this and the earlier draft?

I bet it’d hurt like heck to get whipped by this Poison! But I bet you’d like it too!

Don’t worry, Poison fans, because we’re also hard at work on her in-game character. She’s one of my favorite characters, so you can count on me giving her a lot of attention.

And here’s Hakan getting whipped by Poison, literally!

That’s it for this week, thanks for reading!