Plunder Gets Some Booty!
Jul 12, 2008 // s-kill
Trademarking a name can get gnaaarrrly. We be pirates, not lawyers. We’re good at three things: sinking ships, pillaging towns, and sailing the seas searching for legend, for treasure, for booty! Buried booty. Sunken booty. Especially other pirates’ booty.
Where there be booty, there be pirates. If it’s gold, shiny, and we can chip a tooth on it, thar be pirates wanting to steal it from ya. The taste of ‘Plunder’ turned a wee sour when another horde sailed in to take it from us. We rattled our swords and prepared to board, aiming our cannons up the arse of that little fish-faced, scurvy dog, … until something bigger and shinier floated by. (We pirates are easily distracted, ya see!) We avoided the cursed crates that would have been dropped by blowing them to chum. Hidden away in that chest of treasure was a name that’d become all our own.
We have risen a new flag and now sail by a name that any self respectin’ pirate would be proud of: Age of Booty. Yarr!