PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Capcom Games On Sale
Apr 13, 2011 // jgonzo
This week we’ve got sales on both the PlayStation Network AND Xbox Live!
On the PSN front, we’ve got Final Fight: Double Impact on sale for 50% off ($4.99) with MVC2 going on sale NEXT week.
And for those Xbox fans that have been asking for sales, we’ve got a SLEW (yes a slew!) of titles on sale! Hit the jump to see all of the titles on sale!
Marvel vs Capcom 2 600 MS points (50% off)
Mega Man 10 400 (50% off)
Final Fight: Double Impact 400 (50% off)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 400 (50% off)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HDR 600 (50% off)