Play with Capcom Weekend Part 2

Apr 30, 2010 // Ryan

A copule weeks back, we played the Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Demo with the lucky few who received an Early Access code.  Now that the demo’s fully public, we’re doing it again!

This Saturday from 10AM to 2PM (PST) join us on Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network to chat with our team and get a taste of the vital-suit-fueled mayhem that is Lost Planet multiplayer. If you play with us, we’ll get you a T-Shirt, Water Bottle ( Designed by Unity ), and a pack of stickers.  Plus, if you download the demo, we give to charity ! Win-Win!

Hit the jump for details, including who to play with and when!

We’re going to break it into shifts: Shift 1 is 10AM PST to Noon, and Shift 2 is Noon to 2PM.  The way it works will be simple: Play the demo, find us in the game, then tell us your address and a way to remember you on Unity.  Twenty-five fans will get a prize pack, just from doing those 3 steps!

Here’s who to look for when playing online:

Shift #  |  Name  |  Console  | GamerTag/PSN ID  |  Unity Name

1          |  Jared   |  X360      | Goldie Lochs            | goldielochs

1          |  Mike    |  Both        | mikeeb13 (for both)| mikeeb13

1+2      |  Ryan   |  X360       | CloudlessRaptor     | number6

1+2     |  Snow   | PSN: Snow_Infernus XBL: Snow Infernus | Snow-Infernus

2          | Vince    | PS3          | PurpleAxe               | lunch

2          | Owen   | X360        | The Juice Masta      | OwenJ

I’ll update this list as a steal the Saturdays of more people in the office!  See you online! Update: the shipping gods are unkind, so this is North American only.  Everyone can come play though!