Play Ultimate MvC3 with us Tuesday, 3pm PT
Nov 15, 2011 // Minish Capcom
Got any plans tomorrow… other than playing Ultimate MvC3? How about doing that, but against Capcom’s own Mikeeb and broadcast live on Justin TV?
If that sounds cool-ish to you, head back here tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3pm Pacific for an hour-long live stream and chance to play against some Capcom folk. This particular stream will be on Xbox 360, gamertag “Minish Capcom” – add it to your friend list so’s we can add you back. We’ll try to cycle out players fairly often so the most number of players can hop in, so if you don’t get in our lobby right away, sit tight!
PlayStation 3 owners, don’t worry – we’ll have a dedicated stream for you soon!