Play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies RIGHT NOW!
Oct 01, 2013 // Chris
Download the Dual Destinies’ demo RIGHT NOW in the Nintendo 3DS eShop, plus new details on some FREE costumes and additional content
You catch that Nintendo Direct this morning? Well, first off, we’ve got a shining example of what a new handheld generation can bring to the storied Ace Attorney franchise. Today we’re offering a brand new look at not only some 3D-enhanced gameplay, but a snippet of the gorgeously animated cutscenes you’ll find in Dual Destinies (for the first time in English!) To see some more screencaps of the Ace animations, click here .
We could further recap the videos above for you, but instead we’ll just shout STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GO DOWNLOAD THE FREE DUAL DESTINIES DEMO RIGHT NOW ! Starting today, you’ll be able to download and play a slice of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attoney – Dual Destinies. Just go start the download, and come back when you’re ready. We’ll wait…
Okay, good. Welcome back! Let’s keep this wave of good news a’rollin’ shall we? You may remember that extended content we previously teased, including some rather rad alt costumes for Phoenix , Athena and Apollo ?
We’re happy to announce that these costumes will be available DAY ONE when the game launches on October 24th. The price, you ask? Well, prices don’t get much lower than FREE , my friends. That’s right, for limited time (from Oct. 24th to Nov. 7th to be precise) those alternate costumes will be available for zip, zero, nada.
C lick here for more Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Character Art
Following that two week period, the alternate character costumes can be unlocked for $.99, but that ain’t all. Shortly after the launch, Capcom will release an all-new Dual Destinies case. Entitled “Turnabout Reclaimed” where you’ll encounter pirate-trainer Sasha Buckler, Orla the whale, and maybe, just maybe , figure out what’s going on in this screenshot:
We’ll have more information on the DLC episode soon, and hopefully, the logistics as to whether or not the court can accept the testimony of a costumed whale. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual destinies launches October 24 for $29.99 / €24.99 in the Nintendo 3DS eshop. For more official Ace Attorney info, features and media, head on over here .