Play Lost Planet 3 with Capcom today on Xbox 360
Sep 06, 2013 // GregaMan
It’s Friday! Everybody do the Friday dance. Or, if that’s not a thing yet, why not play some video games? For my part, I’ll be firing up the Twitch livestream to play some Lost Planet 3 multiplayer on the Xbox 360. Wanna join? We’ll start playing at 3pm PT today, so sign in, add GamerTag “Minish Capcom,” and fire up your copy of the game. We’ll try and get a match going with any Unity friends we see.
Oh, and if you play with us, comment here afterwards or PM me with your GamerTag and I’ll give you the Lost Planet 3, “Ice to See You” badge
See you there!
Brands: Lost PlanetTags: