Pimpin’ Bionic Commando
May 18, 2009 // Sven
Ok, now that Bionic Commando is shipping out around the world , teaching everyone how cool it is to swing, I thought it would be a good time to call out a few special things for the fans.
First up, the Bionic Commando Capcom-Unity Pre-paid Visa Card . Say that five times fast, I dare you. Our bank card has a number of different designs but we have two made just for Bionic Commando fans. So when someone asks you sarcastically “What’s in your wallet?” You can respond: “Nathan Spencer, #$!!%&*!”. Or “Your mom”. That never gets old.
Also, as with all Capcom-Unity Cards, you earn 5,000 Capcom-Unity points for activating the card and 5 Unity points for every dollar you spend, 0.5% cash back on all signature purchases, big discounts/rewards at our Capcom Rewards Mall , 15% off all purchases in the Capcom E-Store , access to future Capcom open beta programs and special treatment and perks at events like E3 and Comic-Con (details to be shared soon).
And a reminder, Unity Points get used for awesome auctions like these .
The other shout-out is for the critically acclaimed and best selling Bionic Commando Rearmed which we launched last year.
It’s available at the Capcom store and a host of other PC e-distribution partners if you want it on PC. For our console fans, it’s available on PlayStation Network and Xbox 360 as well. There’s no better time to reacquaint yourself with the franchise than now.
Have a look.