Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD coming to iOS May 30th
May 23, 2013 // Chris
HOLD IT ! We know it’s been a while since we last talked about the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, but this stunningly remastered collection drops into the App Store next week.
Man, 2013 is gonna be one helluva year for Phoenix fans! Not only have we just confirmed the all-new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies for 3DS , we’ve just received word that Phoenix’s first three games are heading to Apple devices much sooner than expected: MAY 30TH .
Mark those calendars, because Phoenix’s first three escapades are hitting iOS in a conveniently priced, downloadable fashion. There’s never been a better time to get a friend into the legal proceedings, because anyone can download the app and play the original Ace Atttorney game’s first two cases FREE, with the option to download the rest of the game for $5.99. After that, the following two full games will cost you $6.99 apiece, or grab the entire collection in one shot for $16.99.
LEFT: Original game – RIGHT: HD Trilogy
What a difference a decade makes!
I know that may seem high by iPhone standards, but theses games are huge, containing hours and hours of expertly written entertainment, and they’ve had a lot more work put in to them than your average iOS slot game or bubble-popping simulator. Furthermore, the first three Phoenix games have been more than a little hard to find for the last couple years, and I think we can all agree this is markedly better than the pricey eBay alternative, right?
Even better, the Ace trilogy has been fully optimized for iOS. Not only has the whole shebang been remastered and enhanced for retina displays, it’s got newly added social features you won’t find anywhere else, such as the “Everyone Object” mode which allows players to share dissatisfaction with everyday life, Phoenix-style!
Look for this icon on May 30th
Hold on to your legal briefs, folks. We’ll have more information, including a thorough FAQ, for you very soon. Until then, have a look at the new trailer for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies !