Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on WiiWare Gets Case 5 Today!
May 24, 2010 // jgonzo
Ace Attorney fans in North America who purchased the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on WiiWare can now download the 5th case, Rise From the Ashes for only 100 Wii points!
Episode 5: Rise from the Ashes is a special final episode created for the DS and WiiWare versions of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. “Rise from the Ashes” is set two months after Turnabout Goodbyes. This episode is also the longest in the Ace Attorney series to date, spanning ten chapters (three investigations and seven trials).
In order to play this piece of DLC you need to own Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on WiiWare.
Have fun, and don’t forget that the iPhone/iPad/iTouch version is available now too !