Pete from Resident Evil 7 biohazard has a special message for you
Jan 18, 2017 // Kellen Haney
Last week, mysterious packages started arriving to various press and other well-known Resident Evil fans. Not the strangest thing in the world, sure, unless you consider what was inside the packages – a VHS player and a weathered VHS tape just like the ones you might have seen if you’ve played the Beginning Hour demo for Resident Evil 7 biohazard… But this time, the tape and its contents were addressed to them, begging for the footage to be watched and shared.
If his face looks familiar, that’s because you may recognize Pete from Resident Evil 7 biohazard Teaser Demo: Beginning Hour, or from the KITCHEN teaser demo for PlayStation VR. This new “found footage” VHS tape that was sent out provides a glimpse into where poor Pete may have been in the precious hours between these two demos. Try playing Beginning Hour first, then watch the video above, then play KITCHEN – you’ll get to see Pete’s story from beginning to end.
Honor Pete’s wishes and get this video out there! Resident Evil 7 biohazard will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC starting January 24th, 2017.