Outfit Your Xbox Avatar in Lost Planet 2 and Win Plushie Set
May 22, 2010 // Snow
With the release of the new Lost Planet 2 avatars on Xbox LIVE, we’re having a little contest for you! The prize? A set of each size of the Sir Om Nom Noms, including the 3 inch, 6 inch, 18 inch, and 36 inch! Here’s what to do:
– Outfit your character with Lost Planet 2 avatar items
– Make sure your gamertag is synced to capcom-unity.com
– Leave a comment to this blog with your gamertag
If you’ve already inserted your Xbox LIVE Gamertag, your avatar will be there! If you haven’t yet, you can add your tag in the navigation bar under “Profile,” then click “Setup Wizard.” You’ll have the option to add Gaming Consoles, and add your 360 there, type in your Gamertag, and tada! NXE Avatar on your Unity page. Cool, eh?
In a few days we’ll select two random winners to get a set of the four the plushies!
Brands: Lost PlanetTags: