Online Rewind Episode 4: Pandora Pop-Off
Mar 22, 2013 // dawgtanian
I’m back with episode four of Online Rewind, and after a really fun set with Metallic Mike (mostly losing!), I decided to include a match between the two of us as part of the show. I seem to be one of the few who know how to use Pandora, but I’m hoping if I use it enough, more of you will try and experiement with it as part of your own strategies.
Below are the players included in this week’s episode:
Match One : Dawgtanian (myself): Sakura & Blanka VS Metallic Mike: Alisa & Lili
Match Two : Mr Karmageddon: Zangief & Bryan VS Swag King Yolo: King & M.Bison
Match Three : Rcion: Akuma & Kuma VS Melodiam: Chun Li & Poison
Remember to let me know via Capcom-Unity or Twitter @CapcomDawg if you want me to check out your replays.