Okamiden Fan Art Entries Part 7
Nov 15, 2010 // Snow
We’re nearing the end of all our Okamiden art entries, but just because we’re coming to a close doesn’t mean the art is any less awesome. Once again, the talent of the artists here on Capcom-Unity has surprised us all with some amazing new pieces. Check ’em out!
vabor : Tic-Tac-Chibi? So brilliant. Love the nod to Master Anura and the clean lines in this. I imagine this is what Chibi plays when bored or passing time.
jgonzo : This is by far the most minimal and effective piece I have seen. I love it!
Snow : This should totally be turned into a real board and chips to play with.
vabor : Solar reflector cupcake? Is that a cupcake? God I hope it’s a cupcake or cookie. I want one.
jgonzo : At first I was like, WTF is that? And then Snow told me it was cake. And then I liked it. =)
Snow : That looks like the best treat of deliciousness. Ever. Please to send me some.
vabor : Chain of Chibi friends! Very cool, crisp art style and I like the little expression touches of the partners.
jgonzo : This reminds me a lot of something from my childhood. This piece really makes me feel like a child again, and that’s a good thing!
Snow : So cute! Really like the use of colors and space here.
vabor : Wow. Aside from the game concept art and a handful of the other entries that’s the cutest I’ve seen Chibi ever possibly. Brilliant touch with Kuni helping Chibi draw Ammy. Tremendous talent here. I really love this one. Top 3 for me.
jgonzo : *insert obligatory “cute” comment* but this piece also made me chuckle. Really well done!
Snow : Love this! Showing Chibi’s tail as the brush is something you don’t really see a whole lot of, and this piece was extremely well done.
vabor : The art form of origami baffles me. Takes so much thoughtful design to make it work and this works and is very cool. Might be the most involved and technical submission we got. Love it.
jgonzo : this is simply stunning work! Those are some mad skills!!
Snow : That has to be the best origami I’ve ever seen. The amount of work that went into to this just boggles my mind. This should totally have instructions so others can try to make one of their own!