Okami HD wallpapers for iPhone 5, iPad and regular ol’ iPhone
Nov 03, 2012 // Chris
Take Amaterasu everywhere . Probably works on other smartphones too…
We know you’ve got be sick of that Twilight iOS background by now. So why not update your smartphone in honor of Okami HD hitting PSN this week ?! You don’t even have to like the game… honestly, have you ever seen purdier art?!
Click here to get it full-sized
Each has been optimized to fit your screen, keeping in mind the correct aspect ratio, as well as what the clock/lock screen will obscure. Just click on in to the appropriate gallery, click the pic you want, then “View Full-Sized,” save it, and set as Wallpaper. We’ve even seen fit to create an entirely new gallery for the taller, sexier iPhone 5 . [ NOTE: If you’re browsing with a mobile device, be sure to enter “Desktop” view mode at the bottom of the page ]
Click here to get it optimized for iPhone 5
Of course we didn’t forget the iPhone classic, and you’ll find similar wallpapers/backgrounds in our iPhone gallery, as well as some other non-Okami games we’ve made in the past.
Click here to get it full-sized
Let’s assume they work on other smartphones, even though I wouldn’t rightly know – never had one. Either way, happy arting, Amaterasu fans!
iPad Wallpaper Gallery
iPhone Wallpaper Gallery
iPhone 5 Wallpaper Galley