Okami HD coming to Nintendo Switch this summer

Mar 09, 2018 // Yuri Araujo

Time to roll up your sleeves and get direct hands-on with saving the world. Okami HD is coming to Nintendo Switch this summer.

Just announced in today’s Nintendo Direct, we’re ecstatic to finally bring this gaming masterpiece to Nintendo Switch, with a handful of features tailor-made to the platform:


Taking full advantage of the Nintendo Switch system’s touch screen on Handheld mode, you can now use your own divine drawing skills to slash enemies in half or bring back life to the land of Nippon. Celestial Brush? More like Celestial Touch !

Joy-Con controls

If you prefer to stand back and enjoy the beauty of Okami HD on your big screen, you can still reenact saving the day with your own hands by using the Joy-Con controller’s gyroscopic controls for your sumi-e ink drawings. This feature is also available in Tabletop mode.

Okami HD will be available digitally on Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch this summer. For more beautiful screenshots, artwork and the latest Okami news, follow the Okami pages on Facebook and Twitter.