Official Mega Man screens for new Super Smash Bros
Apr 09, 2014 // Minish Capcom
Yesterday we posted a batch of screen grabs taken from the most recent Nintendo Direct, which was great and all, but some of them weren’t the highest quality. Today Nintendo has released a massive assortment of official images to gaze upon in lovely high-res, so take a peek below and check out various other websites for the full batch!
PLENTY more where that came from.
It’s pretty interesting being on the other side of things for this Smash Bros. I was at the 2006 Brawl reveal, which not only announced the game but also Solid Snake’s milestone appearance. For the next two years, I covered every carefully framed screenshot of Brawl, then reviewed it, then played with friends for some time.
Now, I’m on the other side, and get to see Mega Man handled so well, by the same folks who did such an amazing job with Snake and Sonic. Can’t wait to play this!