Nintendo Minute bringing you some essential MH3U tips
Jul 31, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Oh look: it’s me, Yuri! (to be read with a Mario-like accent)
In all seriousness now, the lovely folks at Nintendo were kind enough to invite me to participate in one otheir Nintendo Minute videos – which is generally longer than one minute – and talk about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate . They’ve all been playing the game, so I had quite a fun time.
In this video, we chat about some tips for those just starting the game. We had to pick just a couple so I tried to express what I find absolutely essential in the beginning while having it more of a general tip that applies to all MH titles.
I know there were a lot more essential things to know at first, but hopefully this will help kickstart your hunting career!
Also note the hint at the end that they are keeping me there for a little longer… could that mean… another video?