New York Comic Con Street Fighter X Tekken Bowl MMXI
Oct 11, 2011 // Snow
Francis, our Event and Creative Services Director Extraordinaire, has prepared a post about a Street Fighter X Tekkn stunt coming up this Saturday at New York Comic Con!
New York Comic Con will be the site of SFXT BOWL MMXI! The next challenge between Street Fighter producer, YOSHINORI ONO versus Tekken producer, KATSUHIRO HARADA.
Once again, the two producers will be facing off in a wild, over-the-top, spectacle to determine just which fighter franchise is the best before Street Fighter X Tekken comes out next March. Just like the San Diego Comic Con event, each producer will be choosing fans directly from the crowd to participate in this event! Show your STREET FIGHTER or TEKKEN pride and you may be picked to be on the Street Fighter or Tekken football team as you face off on a huge SFXT branded indoor football field, wear (and keep) one-of-a-kind SFXT football jerseys (a TRUE collectible!), and partake in a serious of football challenges: Passing at Street Fighter or Tekken targets downfield, running an obstacle/relay course with the football, or playing actual flag football to score a TD! As usual, the losing producer will be forced to be subjugated to a humiliating punishment. This time around it’ll be a turning around, bending over to take the opponent’s kickoff into the backside!
There’ll be tons of fun for all the viewers too as we had out a ton of exclusive, SFXT BOWL gear such as Bang Sticks, Foam Fingers, team tshirts, and more! Plus, we’ll have cheerleaders and film crews to capture all the excitement. Wear Street Fighter or Tekken gear, come in cosplay, bring home-made signs, but no matter what you do, don’t show up late for the best views of the field and action!
Saturday – OCT 15 – NYCC Javits Center – LEVEL 1 – EXHIBIT HALL 1B
See you there!