New York Comic-Con: booth layout, panel details and more
Oct 11, 2011 // Minish Capcom
Greetings from NYC! We’re presently hustling to get all our Comic-Con ducks in a row before the show opens Thursday evening, plus setting up for tonight’s first-ever Fright Club . In the meantime, we have a list of all our NYCC panels and booth activities, so if you’re planning on attending the show, jot ’em down! And if you’re not attending, maybe just keep an eye out for people live-tweeting reactions to our breaking news…
– STREET FIGHTER – Legendary Street Fighter producer, Yoshinori Ono will provide the latest update on the highly anticipated fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken – the ultimate fighting game team up! Come hear, firsthand, just what is in store for your favorite Street Fighter and Tekken characters in this explosive genre defining game. Street Fighter fans are encouraged to come in costume as Capcom deems Friday to be “Street Fighter Day!” Some lucky fans may be called onstage to demonstrate their mad fighting skills firsthand to win awesome prizes! Followed by a Q&A session plus some special surprises! Friday, October 14, 5:15 – 6:16pm in the American Airlines Theater 1A06
– Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – The wait’s almost over as the much anticipated follow-up to this year’s monster fighting hit is only a month from launch. Come to this panel to hear the latest news about this legendary fighting game franchise straight from producer Ryota Niitsuma. Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes peek as well as a chance to come onstage to showcase your fighting skills against each other for fantastic prizes. Followed by a Q&A session. Saturday, Oct 15, 2:45 – 3:45 pm in the American Airlines Theater 1A06
– Resident Evil – Share in the joy of Resident Evil! 2011 marks the 15th anniversary of the legendary video game franchise that gave fear a face and horror a home. Capcom declares Saturday to be “Resident Evil Day,” so please come dressed as your favorite classic and new RE characters! Come find out the latest information about the newest entries to the Resident Evil franchise: the brutal truth behind Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City with producer, Rey Jimenez, Resident Evil Revelations for the Nintendo 3DS, the gorgeous re-imagining of Resident Evil 4 HD and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X HD, plus some surprises! Followed by a Q&A session. Saturday, October 15, 6:15 – 7:15pm in the MTV Theater 1A10
– World of Capcom – Capcom continues to entertain its fans with the best games in the industry. Fans won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn firsthand about Capcom’s newest hit properties, Dragon’s Dogma and Asura’s Wrath, as well as the latest on the just released Dead Rising 2 Off The Record Executive Producer, Jason Leigh. Followed by a Q&A session. Sunday, Oct 16, 12:15 – 1:15pm in the American Airlines Theater 1A06
– Play the upcoming 2011/2012 line-up of games before they come out in stores! Playable demos include: Dragon’s Dogma, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil Revelations, Street Fighter X Tekken, Asura’s Wrath, Dead Rising 2 Off The Record , Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and Street Fighter IV: Volt .
– Tournaments will be happening in the heart of Capcom’s booth Friday through Sunday at 11am-12pm for Street Fighter X Tekken and 2-3pm for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Signup daily at the Capcom booth from 9-10am. A special Dead Rising 2 Off The RecordTournament will take place on Saturday from 4-5pm.
– Capcom producers and artists will be hosting signing sessions at various times during the show.
– The Capcom store will once again offer special merchandise and limited edition items, in addition to the ever popular Grab Bag filled with awesome Capcom goodies.
– There will also be additional special promotions and giveaways galore, so attendees are encouraged to visit the booth often.
– New York Comic Con is the setting for the SFXT BOWL MMXI! Street Fighter X Tekken fans will get to cheer on superstar producers Yoshinori Ono (Street Fighter) and Katzuhiro Harada (Tekken) as they don full football gear, and draft select fans from the crowd to join them in a series of football challenges on a custom indoor SFXT football field. Cheerleaders will lead the crowds as we find out just which fighter franchise has the best fans of all. Fun for the whole family as well as tons of custom SFXT BOWL premiums such as Tshirts, bang bang sticks, foam fingers, and more! Saturday, OCT 15, level 1- Exhibit Hall 1B, Noon – 1pm . [More info here !]