New Rocketmen Gameplay Vidz
Jan 31, 2008 // s-kill
There are a bunch of new Rocketmen videos malingering over at the new Capcom Digital site. You know the Rocketmen–chock full of zany bosses, and one *miiiiiillyon* bullets (probably a lot more than that, frankly). Anyway if you’re tired of downloadable games that just look pretty but are over in about 15 minutes, you owe it to those XBL Points burning a hole in your pocket to check this game out. Anyway the most recent Rocketmen screenshots brought you closer looks at the crazy character customization possibilities , a sneak peak at some of the game’s MANY boss battles , cut-scene hilarity , and the multiplayer bullet-flying madness that will fill your Rocketmen days and nights. The vids cover pretty much the same territory, only, you know, with video. We heard that kids these days are all into the moving pictures, so here you go .