New Pirate/DMC4 PC/Age of Booty Contest
Aug 05, 2008 // s-kill
Amidst the recent spate of pirate-themed controvery about Devil May Cry 4 PC , the always-topical she-goats at Destructoid are running a contest!
“We want to give away one copy of the PC version of Devil May Cry 4 to a lucky reader who can prove to Capcom that pirates aren’t all that bad. How will you do that? Simple: dress up like a pirate and take a picture of yourself buying something in a store of your choice. GameStop, the Dollar Tree, McDonalds, your choice … we need picture proof that pirates aren’t as nasty as people make them out to be.
In the interest of make the-already-borderline confusing even MORE confusing, I’ve sweetened the pot by promising an Age of Booty download code to the winner, but if and ONLY if they think about Age of Booty during their pirate-dressing.
Hit Dtoid for additional details.
And just to push that confusion needle into the red, please enjoy this entirely unrelated picture of a Lost Planet Hardballer VS, made of Lego, who is also dressed like a pirate .