New Mega Man Tees Available Now, TMMN Giving Some Away
Apr 12, 2012 // GregaMan
Have you checked out The Mega Man Network lately? If not, you’ll want to get over there poste-haste to take a gander at the hip new Mega Man T-shirt they just revealed along with the giveaway contest they’re doing to promote it.
They’re also giving away two other brand new Mega Man T-shirts, whose designs I’m revealing to you right now in this very post. See above. Also look after the jump for larger images.
All you have to do for a chance to win one of the shirts is write to The Mega Man Network and answer a simple question about Mega Man’s 25th Anniversary (full details at their link above).
Meanwhile, you can always just buy one or all of the shirts off the Capcom Store. They each go for $19.95 and can be found at the product links below.