New Lost Planet 2 Shirts from Japan – Free Codes
May 27, 2010 // Snow
I bet you didn’t hear there’s some crazy T-Shirts you can get in Lost Planet 2. I also bet you didn’t know that you could pop in a code and get them in your western version of the game. Well, you can, and it’s pretty cool running around in some new digs whilst pwnin’ and t-baggin’ nubs. Here’s how to get new shirts:
– Go to the “My Page” menu, and select your character parts screen
– Press “Y” for 360, or “X” on PS3 to pull up the slot machine
– Click the prompt to “Enter Code”
And here’s some codes for some in-game swag:
T-Shirt 1 Red Weekly Famitsu = 73154986
T-shirt 2 = 94372143
T-Shirt 3 Midnight Live 360 = 69088873
T-shirt 5 Yellow Den geki = 96725729
T-Shirt 9 Weekly Playboy = 34297758
T-Shirt 10 Blue Famitsu.com = 88020223
T-Shirt 11 4gamer.net = 25060016
Thanks to Zero and the other LP junkies in the forums for figuring this out, and making the video.
Brands: Lost PlanetTags: