New gameplay videos, release date info for Resident Evil Revelations 2
Jan 15, 2015 // Minish Capcom
Earlier this month we revealed three new enemies that’ll hound our heroes in RE Revelations 2. We’re updating residentevil.com with a handful of videos that show these creeps in action, but you also check them out below.
This news also comes alongside the slightest of delays for the game’s release. In an effort to fine-tune the final product, we’ve moved the release of the first episode back just one week to February 24. With this in mind, the full rollout of episodes (and retail disc) is now:
Remember that each episode contains a Claire/Moira scenario, a Barry/Natalia scenario AND Raid Mode content based on that Episode. More info on Raid Mode coming (quite!) soon.
Episodes are available a la carte for $5.99 per episode, $24.99 as the Complete Season or $39.99 for the retail disc. You can pre-order the PS3/PS4 Complete Season right now, or the retail disc through your usual retailer.
Bonus content for complete season / retail disc detailed below:
North America Disc
North America complete season
North America individual episodes
Europe disc
Europe complete season
Europe individual episodes