New DmC Screens Range from Rad to Awesome
Nov 03, 2011 // GregaMan
Hey, these new DmC screens are the prettiest . Let us enjoy them together! Let us know how they look in the comments, yo.
The vibrant colors make this game stand out from just about every other modern title. And look at that billowy cloth. Even looking at a still, you can’t help but imagine it in motion.
Dante scythes a sucka in the craw. Note how these enemies are suggestive of the original Bloody Puppets of Devil May Cries past.
More enemy-threshing action. ‘Tis the season for a harvest, after all.
These enemies are packing some serious weaponry, but Dante’s Gladius-like sword seems to be more than enough to send them cascading majestically to their doom.
Check out this eerie, industrial tunnel. Are these tree roots, tentacles, or something else?
“All right! Now I got me some swangin’ room!”
Check out the environmental detail: graffiti on the walls, the varying texture of the bricks, the torn-up postings.
Heyyy, check out those colors.
If this isn’t some sort of boss character, I’ll eat my hat.
This thing may look pissed, but it’s actually flashing eight simultaneous peace signs.