New Ace Attorney 3DS themes available alongside franchise sale
Jul 02, 2015 // GregaMan
If you’re a hot-blooded Ace Attorney fan, be sure to fire up your 3DS sometime this weekend! Not only is there an Ace Attorney sale in progress discounting both Dual Destinies and the Ace Attorney Trilogy, but as of today (tomorrow, July 3rd, in Europe), four snazzy new 3DS themes celebrating Dual Destinies and the Ace Attorney Trilogy are available for two bucks a pop. Hit the jump for a glimpse at each one.
The Mood Matrix makes it real! This Dual Destinies Mood Matrix theme fits ANY mood, as long as you’re a hot-blooded Ace fan!
Let the court record show that this Dual Destinies Court Record theme is rad!
The Ace Attorney Trilogy Pixel Art theme is Ace Attorney like you’ve never seen it before, and it’s irresistible! Just look at it! Look at it!!
We trust no Ace Attorney fan will “OBJECT” to this lovely Ace Attorney Trilogy Main Characters theme, which lets you scroll through glorious art of all your favorite characters from the series.