Naomi Kyle at Zombie Boot Camp
Mar 23, 2016 // Jeffery Simspon
If you’re going to play a zombie in the movies, you come to the zombie experts for training. At Capcom Vancouver we’ve been wrangling digital zombies for years thanks to our work on the Dead Rising series.
After our star turn as shambling undead extras in Dead Rising: Endgame we were more than ready to prepare actor and game industry personality Naomi Kyle for her own time on the set. Though Kyle was already familiar with our Dead Rising games Capcom Vancouver’s Trant Lee-Amies walked her through the detailed lore of the series. Then it was time for Naomi to learn how to kill zombies, both virtual and real.
To take on real flesh eating monsters she handled Capcom Vancouver’s stock of combo weapons that we’ve gathered both from the Dead Rising games as well as the original film Dead Rising: Watchtower .
Then it was time to get her game on as Trant and Naomi played a few rounds of Dead Rising 3: Super Ultra Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX + α . Choosing Annie as Chun-Li Kyle was soon delivering spinning kicks to hordes of undead as she fought her way through the chaotic madness of our retro inspired game.
Next up was the reason she’d come to us in the first place: Zombie Boot Camp. Trant, who had played a zombie the week before, explained the zombification process and how to act and move while she was searching for fresh brains to eat. Then the Capcom Vancouver Zombie Extras entered to help her get into the character as part of a zombie horde.
Later that day Naomi was on the Vancouver set of Dead Rising: Endgame fully trained for her role as a zombie having passed boot camp with flying colours. You can see Naomi as well as all the Capcom Vancouver zombies when Dead Rising: Endgame is released.