My High School Thing
Jan 18, 2011 // GregaMan
Hey all, me again.
I’ve got a special “treat” for you guys, and by “treat”, I mean “thing”.
It all goes like this: Back in high school, two of my droogs and I had our own spastic, keyboard-centric, genre-defying band, The Mazeltov Cocktails. Years later, we discovered a far more successful band with the same basic name. But that’s neither here nor there. What mattered was that we had heart. While John laid down his creative, bombastic beats and Bugsby twanged up a storm on his electric bass, I like my fingers do the talkin’, and was thus bestowed the nickname, Fingers. Meanwhile our fourth, honorary member, Ando, would sit to the side and play Mega Man 2 for us. It was a thing we had. Hit the jump and I’ll eventually get to my point.
Well, it didn’t take long for ideas to collide, resulting in the best darn Mega Man medley Westfield High School had ever seen in its entire two-year legacy. It was a relatively new school.
Anyway, we attempted to record it once, resulting in a sloppy jalopy of a track, which you’ll find below. Have a listen! Then again, as romantic as the whole band thing remains in my memory, you probably deserve a reward if you manage to tough out an entire playthrough, so here’s the scoop: The first person to correctly name all five of the medley’s main tracks in the comments below will receive 5000 Unity points (you don’t need to name the final melody, but you can if you want extra street cred (disclaimer: knowledge of Mega Man music may not actually translate to street cred, depending on the street)). That’s 5Gs for naming five songs.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little snippet out of the annals of Greg. No jokes.
Good luck!
Get Equipped (The Mega Medley)/(The Rockman Rock)
::Edit:: Congrats to #267 Raijin for picking it up in like three seconds! Contest is over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still sit back and enjoy the tunes.