MVC3 Foooooooooooood Fight! More times and chef info!
Dec 03, 2010 // Melodious
Foodies and Fighters! Check out the final invite for the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Food Fight! Now including times (11am to 3pm) and the Celeb Chefs that will be battling it out to make the best MVC3 themed dish EVER! If you didnt see my post from a couple days ago, check out all the info in the invite below!
Just a reminder that it is first come, first serve and no need to RSVP. If you have RSVP’ed already, this wont help you get into the event any easier. Apologies for the confusion on this! Just like our fight clubs, its all about getting their early to secure your ticket into the event!
We promise it will be worth the wait in line as we will have a ton of kiosks with the latest build, hours and hours of time to play, food by celebrity chefs, customized MVC3 Food Fight giveaways and more! Hope to see you all there!