More beautiful DuckTales fan art
Sep 18, 2013 // Chris
A duck ton of artwork most fowl…
We had too many awe-inspiring pieces of Duck-tastic art submitted for our DuckTales Promo Kit giveaway to mention. But the DuckTales Promo Kit giveaway is a billion percent OVER , so we thought you’d like to see some more of the submissions that walked away with the gold (cartridge.)
For starters, you guys really gotta see this video. When we invited everyone in the world to Sing Along with the DuckTales theme , many of you complained that you couldn’t sing. Well, due to vocal surgery this guy is mute. He literally can’t sing! So he got creative.
Were you too proud to cam up and belt out a tune? Well, this guy proves that only the brave truly triumph.
And as promised, here are the remaining winners of the fan art contest.
Artist: Michael M
And that’s just scratching the surface of the creativity you guys showed. So in order to try and thank all of you for participatin, we’re going to continue posting your art and sing-alongs periodically here on Unity. Oh, and the DuckTales Sing Along site is still up and open for business (taking your submissions. Who knows, you might even be rewarded for participating.