Monster Hunter: World patch update 4.01 (PS4) / (Xbox One) – Investigations and matchmaking
Jun 15, 2018 // Yuri Araujo
Monster Hunter: World patch update 4.01 (PS4) / (Xbox One) is now live; patch notes available below.
This update has actually been live since June 14, but due to craziness that was E3 2018, we didn’t get to publish the patch notes until today (June 15). Apologies for the late notice.
In addition, we also wanted to highlight a couple of changes that took effect with version 4.00 (PS4) / (Xbox One) but that we didn’t get a chance to talk about:
Tempered Elder Dragon Investigations (4.00 /
- With the addition of Lunastra and Teostra in update Ver. 4.00/, they have now also been added to the pool of Threat Level 3 investigations.
- The draw chance for certain tempered elder dragon investigations have been revised.
- All Threat Level 3 investigations now have an equal chance of having increased special reward slots. Originally, varying values were used to determine the number of special reward slots for each tempered elder dragon investigation, but these have all been matched to the value for Vaal Hazak, which was the highest.
- Note:
- You may see increased special reward slots for Threat Level 3 investigations that you possessed before this fix was applied in Ver. 4.00/
- The chance for increased special reward slots for tempered Vaal Hazak has not changed.
General Matchmaking
- The search conditions have been relaxed for the Online Session “Matchmake” search option. (If you are HR 100 or higher, “Matchmake” may put you in Online Sessions made by players between HR 100 and HR 999.)
- The naming method for investigations in other languages has been updated. Investigation names now include the main target in addition to the quest type (hunt, capture, or slay). Affected languages include: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish. See comparison below:
- Mistakes were corrected in the Asian version text for Traditional Chinese and Russian customer support information.
Brands: Monster Hunter