Monster Hunter: World Beta, Horizon Zero Dawn collaboration and New Trailer revealed
Oct 30, 2017 // Yuri Araujo
Straight from Paris Games Week 2017, we’re excited to reveal the deathly Rotten Vale ecosystem, an online Beta and stunning Horizon Zero Dawn collaboration gear!
The Rotten Vale is home to vulturous monsters that prey on one another and are not afraid of hiding bone piles and decaying carcasses. It’s an extremely dangerous part of this new world, and one you do not want to venture into by yourself.
But before you get to the Rotten Vale, your journey through the new world actually starts at the Ancient Forest. So if you’ve been itching to get your hands on Monster Hunter: World and want to begin scoping out the place before the game hits the shelves next year, we have the perfect opportunity for you: an online Beta!
The Monster Hunter: World online Beta will be available exclusively on PlayStation 4 starting December 9 th , 2017 and will be open only to PS Plus users worldwide.
Designed specifically to give you a taste of the thrill of the hunt, this online Beta will offer you three total quests across the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. The target monsters will be the gluttonous Great Jagras, the headstrong Barroth and the fearsome Anjanath, but I highly recommend you keep your eyes wide open for other dangerous monsters looking to claim their territory in each ecosystem. All 14 weapon types will be available for you to choose, but make sure to study your surroundings and use your environment to gain the upper hand.
We are also very proud to announce a special collaboration with Guerrilla games to bring you gear themed after the expert huntress Aloy, along with sophisticated machine-inspired Felyne gear, from Horizon Zero Dawn .
This special collaboration will be available for free and only on PS4, but you’ll have to prove your worth by completing a unique Event Quest and gathering the required resources. More details to come at a later date.
Monster Hunter: World will be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26 th , 2018, and you can already pre-order your copy and secure the nostalgic Origin Set armor and other neat bonuses; more details here. Can’t wait to hunt online with you in the Beta later this year!