Monster Hunter Tri Demo Impressions: From the Eyes of a Beginner
Mar 19, 2010 // jgonzo
We know that a lot of people are pretty hardcore about Monster Hunter, but what about people that have never experienced the series before? Siliconera just posted up some very positive demo impressions for Monster Hunter Tri from a neophyte point of view. You can read a quick excerpt below and read the whole thing here .
Once I got to the Jaggi’s lair, spotting the leader of the pack was easy. He was bigger and meaner-looking than the others. Naturally, my instinctive reaction was to unsheathe my weapons and charge right in. By about ten minutes and five deaths later, I had learnt four things:
1. Rushing in and beating things over the head (or tail, or side, or hump) doesn’t work. At all.
2. …provided you can actually land enough hits, considering the creatures in the game don’t stand still and fight back viciously.
3. You need to control the camera manually, or you won’t be able to keep your foe in sight longer than a few seconds. There is no form of Z-targeting or auto-targeting whatsoever.
4. Different weapon classes work well against different monsters.
By all accounts, Monster Hunter is meant to be played with other people, and I’m starting to get an idea of how ridiculously fun that could be at this point.
If you’ve never played Monster Hunter before, be sure to read the full article !