Monster Hunter Portable 3rd – Taking a Bath With Your Friends
Nov 08, 2010 // Snow
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd’s village, Yukumo, has expanded quite a bit from past Monster Hunter games. There’s a lot to do, and there’s a few really fun features worth pointing out. Have you ever wanted to hop into a hot spring bath with your online buddies? Yea, me either… But, that is an option in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Meet up with your buddies, get your felyne companions, and hop into the hot springs bath of Yukumo village for some hunting benefits.
Another important part of the village is your poogie! Does petting your poogie before quests boost your chance of getting rare items…? We’ll never tell! I guess you’ll just have to try it on your own. The poogie is now a bit more interactive than previous games as well. Since there’s a large emphasis on your felyne partners, they too can even interact with the poogie, even riding him around like a steed of war! Er, well, it’s still a pig… But it’s close enough.
Via Siliconera