Monster Hunter – Meet the Jhen Mohran

Oct 04, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

It’s time we talk about the biggest monster in  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate already! It’s not like we can pretend not to see it right? Look at it; it’s huuuuuuuuuge. So here it is: Meet the Jhen Mohran!

Big thanks to Judgemagister for bringing great insights into the Jhen Mohran and the Hallowed Jhen Mohran. I’m glad I got to do this video because I actually never stopped to think about how interesting this monster is. Plus, it was fun learning a few more tricks on the fly =)

On a side note, this will be it for this  season of Meet the Monsters. My next project will involve weapon tips and tricks – so start thinking of those – but I’m sure we’ll be back with more monster videos later on.

And thanks RedStache and Apocalypse for jumping in and helping us out agaisnt Hallowed Jhen Mohran; I know it was a last minute request, so I appreciate it.