Monster Hunter logic contest winners, and more!
Mar 08, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
” Monster Hunter: the game where you not only sharpen your hammer, but do so, with a fish. ” – ROCKHOUND1
So here’s some of my favorite Monster Hunter logic gems you guys shared, as well as the 2 WINNERS!
” Let me just reload my AXE. ” – Jonas
” Gunlance holds infinite amount of gunshells until you reach red sharpness. ” – RAMAR
” Hit by a wyvern? Eh. Hit by a pig? You’re sent flying ” – Jake
” My favorite bit of Monster Hunter logic is that you can listen to a short song from a Hunting Horn, and instantly be healed, get various buffs, or even have infinite stamina for a short time! Makes you wonder what would happen if someone played “Eye of the Tiger” on one of those horns. ” – David
” I just had a good meal…it was so good, in fact…that it’s changed reality!!! Monsters are now guaranteed to be gigantic! I make more money for the same amount of work! and I’m immune to ailments!!! ” – Andrew
Not sure if I agree with Gunflame ‘s definition of “real life”, but I think I get his point:
Before we get to the winners, check out this little video that DeadeyeDave put together on Flipnote. Simply amazing!
And finally, congratulations to the two winners for the following (hilarious) observations and winning these very logically sound blind boxes :
” Thanks for saving the village from that Qurupeco, I don’t think we could’ve survived without you!
Hmm? It called a deviljho?
Nah don’t worry we can take care of that ourselves, your quest is complete. ” – dogcereal
” Tigrex is weak to ice; goes snowy mountains and tundra by choice ” – Dean
And that’s that! This was a fun contest; thanks everyone for participating! There were so many hilarious comments, and I’m actually sad I had to cut some of them, so please feel free to go through the comment section on the original contest post.
Thanks MrWezzle for creating the header image, and with it, making it to my Top 10 list =P