Monster Hunter Generations – October Free DLC pack
Oct 07, 2016 // Yuri Araujo
Expand your hunting arsenal and wardrobe just in time for Halloween with the October free DLC pack!
Now, usually our fancy costumes aren’t of the spooky variety—besides the Zombie-kun Felyne—but part of the fun of dressing up is pretending to be your favorite hero; and we already have plenty of those. This month, we add to that list with the exclusive Fire Emblem collaboration gear for your hunters as well as Felyne suits of armor resembling Mega Man and Arthur, from Ghosts ‘n Goblins.
Check out the full list of DLC quests and rewards below, but also keep in mind all the content we dropped in the previous months when you start thinking about your hunting outfit for the end of the month.
Quest : (HIGH) Fire Emblem: Warding Despair
Objective : Hunt a Hyper Silver Rathalos
Rewards: Lodestar Set
Quest : (HIGH) Ghosts ‘n Goblins: Seeing Red
Objective : Hunt a Hyper Rathalos
Rewards: F Arthur Set
Quest : (HIGH) Mega Man: Yellow Devil
Objective : Hunt a Hyper Royal Ludroth
Rewards: F Rushing Hammer, F Mega Set
Quest : (HIGH) Blazing Thunder at USJ
Objective : Hunt a Hyper Astalos and a Hyper Glavenus
Rewards: Star Rook Set
Promising / Halcyon / Lucid / Dreamy Sets (High Rank)
Starlight Axe
F Star Set
Quest : (HIGH) Dance of Dreams at USJ
Objective : Hunt a Mizutsune and a Malfestio
Rewards: Blue Star Set
Starlight Gate
F Supreme Set
Quest : (HIGH) Famitsu: Mizutsune Feature
Objective : Hunt 3 Mizutsunes
Rewards: Fox Blade
Fox Select
Brain Fox
Platinum Trophy
Switch Fox
Charge Fox
Quest : (HIGH) It Would Be a Shame If…
Objective : Hunt a Hyper Shogun Ceanataur
Quest : (LOW) CoroCoro: Lost in the Swamp
Objective : Slay a total of 20 Ceanataurs and Iopreys
Rewards: F Zombie-kun Set
Quest : (HIGH) Fan Club: Arena Action
Objective : Hunt an Arzuros, a Lagombi, a Volvidon and a Bulldrome
Rewards: F Fan Megaphone, F Meowniac’s Mask, F Fan Top
F Tenderpaw Clog, F Pep Squad Set
Quest : (HIGH) Too Hot to Handle
Objective : Deliver 2 Powderstones
Rewards: F Postman Set
Quest : Event: Slay a Glavenus
Objective : Slay a Glavenus
Quest : Event: Slay a Mizutsune
Objective : Slay a Mizutsune
Quest : Event: Slay a Lagiacrus
Objective : Slay a Lagiacrus
Quest : Event: Slay an Astalos
Objective : Slay an Astalos
Quest : Event: Slay a Gammoth
Objective : Slay a Gammoth
9x Guild Card Titles
1x Guild Card Pose
4x Guild Card Backgrounds
1x Pet Costume: Pumpkin PJs
Zombie Cat
99x Honey
20x Mega Potion
20x Mega Demondrug
20x Mega Dash Juice
20x Max Potion
10x Ancient Potion
20x Hunter’s Drink
50x Golden Egg
30x Slickaxe
30x Heavy Armor Sphere
To access the free DLC, load your copy of Monster Hunter Generations and select the Download menu from the start screen and follow the steps to download all the treats. After that, load your character and talk to the following NPCs for each type of content:
- Take on Regular Quests and Prowler Quests from the Wycademy Gal at the Hunters Hub;
- Take on Challenge Quests from the Arena Instructor at the Hunters Hub;
- Purchase Extras by using Wycademy Points from the Trader at the Palico Ranch (select “Limited Goods” option);
- Hire Special Palicoes from the Meowstress, Grandmeow or Grandmyama at all four villages;
- Claim Item Packs from your Housekeeper (select the “Claim Items” option);
And remember, we’ll have more DLC coming your way on the first Friday of the each month through the beginning of 2017… and it’s all free! Check back on November 4th for the content batch. In the meantime, happy hunting!