Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Reviews Incoming
Jun 24, 2009 // Snow
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite reviews are coming in from all over. Here’s what they have to say:
1UP – A “Freedom Unite is a huge game, and, naturally, a little intimidating. But not only are you getting the best installment of the Monster Hunter franchise so far, you’re getting an enormous action RPG that gives you a lot in return for putting a lot in. And it can potentially keep you attached to your PSP longer than you ever thought.”
PSU – 9.0 “It can be tough to get going, but Freedom Unite won’t disappoint anyone who spends some quality time with it.”
FreezeCracker – 9.0 “You’ll often times find yourself going back hunting monsters just to get that one last material needed to craft a new piece of equipment, or just trying out a completely new weapon class. If you can appreciate a challenging game, then I wholeheartedly recommend this game to you.”
Gaming Age – A- “If you’ve never given a Monster Hunter game a try before, then go ahead and pick up Freedom Unite, it’s the best in the series for me, and the opening tutorials are explained well enough to get you started, even if they’re a bit on the lengthy side. If you’re a long time fan, well, chances are you’ve already pre-ordered this one at the store of your choice, but just rest assured that you’re definitely getting what you want out of this release.”
IGN – 8.0 “Yes, I’m being hard on Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, but it’s only because the base game is so good that I expect a lot out of the series. Setting out to conquer Priscines and steal their livers is challenging, taking a bunch of ore and suping-up your armor is fun, and having one game that you can feasibly sink 500 hours into is exciting.”
Video Gamer – 7 “There’s something strangely compelling about Monster Hunter. Like most good MMOs it preys on those bothered about ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. Like most good MMOs it takes time to get going. Like most MMOs there’s a great deal of grinding. And, like most good MMOs, there’s tons to it.”