Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Demo on PSN Today
May 21, 2009 // Snow
You’ve already heard about Monster Hunter coming to the west as Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. If you’re new to the vast world of Monster Hunter, we’ve got some great new things to help you better understand what this game really has to offer.
First, the official demo is launching today, and loaded with brand new monsters. There’s three quests to choose from: Hypnocatrice, Plum Hermitaur, and an Epic Hunting Quest with three monsters to slay. Aside from new monsters, there’s also pre-made characters for each weapon type to choose from. Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword, Dual Blades, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gun Lance, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, and Bow… They’re all there. We’ve crammed as much into the demo as we could. You’ll be hunting in the forest, the desert, and in the swamp.
Monster Hunter just wouldn’t be the same without co-op, so the demo is fully capable of four player ad-hoc co-op! The demo isn’t going to just leave you to fend for yourself if you aren’t playing ad-hoc. If you play single player, you’ll have your choice to bring one of three Felyne Fighters with you. There’s Kota a Melee Fighter, and then there’s Ginger a Bomber, and finally Melody a Support type. Look for the demo on the PSN later this afternoon.
More Monster Hunter goodness after the jump.
Now that you have a chance to finally hop into MHFU, we have a brand new set of videos coming to teach you some basics about hunting. Check out the first video right here!
There will be 3 more tutorial videos to come soon. You’ll be able to snag these videos online via the PSN so you can take the tips they offer with you on your PSP. In all, there’s going to be nine videos total for you to grab on PSN before the game launches.
And finally, we have one more tool to help you start your hunt: The Encyclopedia Gigantica . It’s focused on the community, and gathering all the knowledge from fans like you in a wiki style. Right now there’s not much in it, and the tools to add information about the in depth details of Monster Hunter will be coming around the E3 timeframe. Once that’s available, you’ll find much information about the world of Monster Hunter, including everything from the basics all the way to pro tips from other hunters who’ve contributed their own experience.
And remember, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite hits shelves on June 23rd!
Good hunting!