Monster Hunter fan-art: creepy and cute
Jan 03, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
It feels rather wrong to mash together a fan-art of a hideous and creepy rendition of a Barroth with a cute little Tigrex playing in the snow… but hopefully that will get you to click the MORE button below and look for the art style that you like more – or just see more images of both styles.
While hunting some fan-art on DeviantArt, I found DarkmaneTheWerewolf ‘s collections of creepy and chibi monsters from Monster Hunter . Make sure to take a look at each individual monster, as they are epxressed in very unique ways. I, for one, found the creepy verion of the cats to be highly disturbing while Nargacuga’s cute eyes in the chibi version just got to me.
Here are the pieces I used to form the header image:
And for a more fair comparison, here are two versions of the same monster: