Monster Hunter cosplay photos from Anime Expo 2015, part 2

Jul 30, 2015 // Yuri Araujo

So I heard you like Guildmarm cosplay… and apparently these cosplayers at Anime Expo hear you too!

Seriously, if I recall correctly, there were 8 (!) Guildmarm cosplayers at AX2015. I only got photos of 7 of them, but that’s still the most I’ve seen of a single Monster Hunter armor/character ever; in the same event!

But hey, I think I know why that happened… Brachydios was there . 😉

Anyways, just keep scrolling and enjoy the variety of Guildmarm interpretations as well as a few other NPCs (shout outs to Felyne Courier and Tanzia Guild Sweetheart!) as well as more awesome hunters.

Well, that’s all for today. Adding to part 1 of this series, we’re now up to 52 photos! I hope you enjoyed these, and make sure to come back tomorrow so we wrap things up with part 3.