Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – Free DLC Line-up for November
Nov 06, 2015 // Yuri Araujo
The final pack of DLC for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is now live! It brings us a series of nasty Deviljho quests, some Rajang challenges, and 2 brand new GX armor sets!
And here’s the quick breakdown of what you’ll be getting: 12 New quests (including 3 New Arena challenges); And just for fun, I’ve added up ALL the DLC we’ve provided for this game: 120 Quests; — To get this content, all you need to do is 1) connect your Nintendo 3DS to the Internet, 2) load your copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate , 3) go to the “DLC” menu and 4) download all the things! Quests will be saved under “Event Quests” (with the Questatrix) and “Challenge Quests” (with the Arena Bambina) in the Gathering Hall. G-Rank quests and G-Rank Challenge Quests can be found in the Elder Hall and Assembly, respectively. As usual, you can still get all the DLC from previous months; full listing of all the content can be found right here: March , April , May , June , July , August , September , and October . Like I say in the video: Thank you so much for staying with us throughout this DLC journey! If you’ve hopped on somewhere along the way, there’s plenty of content to dig your claws into on the past DLC packs, so take a minute to download and go through those as well (links above). I hope you’ve enjoyed all this content – I certainly had a lot of fun working on these videos -, good luck getting the new GX armor sets, and happy hunting! =)
2 New GX armor sets;
7 New masks;
1 Bonus Palico: Sanchez;
1 New Poogie costume: Disco Ball ;
2 Guild Card background;
7 Guild Card titles, including the title ” Monster Hunter “;
18 Armor sets;
14 Unique armor pieces;
34 Weapons;
22 Palico equipment sets;
9 Bonus Palicoes;
4 Palico costumes;
5 Guild Card poses;
20 Guild Card backgrounds;
78 Guild Card titles;